I see so many social media posts today saying “Good Riddance to 2023”, and find that very strange. While some years are certainly “better” than others, I don’t think I would ever wish a year gone. For some reason I find the winding down of a year to be a bit melancholy – another year finished. Perhaps it because generally, I’m not keen on endings.

Every year has its ups and downs – the good to be taken with the not-so-good. I find New Year’s Eve a time to reflect on the past year. It is an opportunity to remember those friends and family that we have lost, to relish successes and accomplishments, and to reflect on what we enjoyed and want to keep or want to change for the much anticipated New Year.

I think everyone enjoys looking forward to the New Year with its new beginnings, new plans, and new adventures. I especially like the quiet first days of the New Year – when all the rush and bustle is finished, but we haven’t quite gotten started with the new yet. I hang up the new calendars, prepare the new datebook (yes, I still use a datebook – I simply cannot keep everything on my phone!), start a new project, finish one that didn’t get finished before the old year ended, or maybe begin reading a new book.

I’ve never been much for ‘resolutions’ – bad habits don’t get fixed because the calendar changes. But there are a few things I’d like to try for 2024. I want to try to blog more regularly – I kind of got out of the habit. Life seemed to fall quickly into a pattern here in Ireland and I felt it wouldn’t be of much interest to anyone. But still, I can write for myself. I have a pretty busy year coming up with tours so I’m hoping there will be some interesting adventures to share.

I also want to try a “365 Photography Challenge” where you try to take a photograph once a day all year. It makes you get out with your camera and open your eyes to the world.

So no “Good Riddance to 2023” for me. Today, January 1, 2024, I plan to sit near the fire and watch the rain fall (it IS Ireland, after all!), sip a cuppan tae, and plan for the sunny days ahead. I wish you all a very Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous 2024. Happy New Year!